3 Day Push Pull Legs (PPL) Workout Split for Beginners

3 Day Push Pull Legs (PPL) Workout Split for Beginners

One of the most effective workout splits for building muscle is the Push-Pull Legs routine. If you’re new to the gym or want to improve your workouts, the 3-day PPL split is for you.

This The 3-day Push-Pull-Legs Workout technique has stood the test of time and has become a staple in fitness programs worldwide owing to its simplicity and efficacy.

Here, I will provide you with the most effective 3-day Push/Pull/Legs split workout routine. You’ll also learn how to split your workout.

Let’s look at how this proven training split can change your workout.

What is Push Pull Leg Workout Split

This versatile regimen has gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts for a valid reason. It’s great for anyone who wants to build muscle, increase strength, and improve endurance.

Push Day

On Push Day, you will focus on the muscles engaged in pushing movements. This includes the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Think of exercises like bench presses, shoulder presses, and tricep dips.

These movements help you develop a strong upper body and enhance your pressing power.

Target MuscleExercises
ChestBench Press, Incline Dumbbell Press, Push-Ups
ShouldersShoulder Press, Lateral Raises, Front Raises
TricepsTricep Dips, Skull Crushers, Tricep Pushdowns

Pull Day

Next up is Pull Day, where you will focus on the muscles responsible for pulling movements. This includes your back and biceps. Exercises like pull-ups, rows, and bicep curls come into play here.

When you focus on pulling or rowing motions, you work your back and rear shoulders while also working your bicep.

Target MuscleExercises
BackPull-Ups, Bent-Over Rows, Lat Pulldowns
Rear DeltCable Rows, Face Pulls, Rear Delt Flyes
BicepsBicep Curls, Hammer Curls, Concentration Curls

Leg Day

Last but certainly not least is Leg Day! This day is all about dedicating your workout to your lower body. You’ll work your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves by doing things like squats, lunges, and deadlifts.

Target MuscleExercises
QuadsSquats, Leg Press, Lunges
HamstringsDeadlifts, Hamstring Curls,
GlutesHip Thrusts, Glute Bridges
CalvesCalf Raises

Beginner 3 Day PPL Workout Split

  • Monday: Push Day
  • Wednesday: Pull Day
  • Friday: Leg Day

Push Workout

Push-Ups (Knees or Standard)38-1260 sec
Dumbbell Bench Press38-1260-90 sec
Dumbbell Shoulder Press38-1260-90 sec
Tricep Dips (Bench Dips)38-1260 sec
Dumbbell Lateral Raises310-1560 sec
Tricep Kickbacks (Dumbbell)310-1560 sec

Pull Workout

Assisted Pull-Ups (or Lat Pull-downs)38-1260-90 sec
Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows38-1260-90 sec
Seated Cable Rows38-1260-90 sec
Dumbbell Shrugs310-1560 sec
Bicep Curls (Dumbbell or EZ Bar)310-1560 sec
Face Pulls310-1560 sec

Legs Workout

Bodyweight Squats310-1560-90 sec
Dumbbell Lunges 38-12 (each leg)60-90 sec
Leg Press (Machine)38-1260-90 sec
Dumbbell Deadlifts38-1260-90 sec
Calf Raises (Seated or Standing)310-1560 sec
Plank (for core stability)320-30 sec30 sec

3 Day Classic Hypertrophy PPL Routine

Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

1. Barbell Bench Press48-12
2. Overhead Dumbbell Press38-12
3. Incline Dumbbell Press38-12
4. Dumbbell Lateral Raise310-15
5. Tricep Dips (Assisted if needed)38-12
6. Rope Tricep Pushdown310-15

Pull Day (Back, Biceps)

1. Deadlift36-8
2. Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldown38-12
3. Barbell Row48-12
4. Face Pull310-15
5. Dumbbell Bicep Curl310-12
6. Hammer Curl310-12

Leg Day (Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves)

1. Squats48-12
2. Romanian Deadlift38-12
3. Leg Press310-12
4. Walking Lunges312-15
5. Seated Calf Raise412-15
6. Standing Calf Raise312-15

3 Day Strength-Focused Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) Routine

Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

1. Barbell Bench Press54-6
2. Overhead Barbell Press44-6
3. Incline Barbell Press46-8
4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press36-8
5. Close-Grip Bench Press36-8
6. Tricep Dips (Weighted if possible)36-8

Pull Day (Back, Biceps)

1. Deadlift53-5
2. Barbell Row44-6
3. Weighted Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldown44-6
4. One-Arm Dumbbell Row36-8
5. Barbell Bicep Curl36-8
6. Hammer Curl36-8

Leg Day (Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves)

1. Squats54-6
2. Romanian Deadlift44-6
3. Leg Press46-8
4. Bulgarian Split Squat36-8
5. Standing Calf Raise46-8
6. Seated Calf Raise38-10

Dumbbell-Only 3 day Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) Routine

Push Day

1. Dumbbell Bench Press48-12
2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press38-12
3. Incline Dumbbell Press38-12
4. Dumbbell Lateral Raise310-15
5. Dumbbell Chest Fly310-12
6. Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension310-12

Pull Day

1. Dumbbell Deadlift46-8
2. Dumbbell Row48-12
3. Renegade Row38-10
4. Dumbbell Reverse Fly310-12
5. Dumbbell Bicep Curl310-12
6. Concentration Curl310-12

Leg Day

1. Dumbbell Squat48-12
2. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift38-12
3. Dumbbell Lunge310-12
4. Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat38-12
5. Dumbbell Goblet Squat310-12
6. Dumbbell Calf Raise412-15

Bodyweight-Only Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) Routine

Push Day (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)

1. Push-Ups410-15
2. Pike Push-Ups310-12
3. Decline Push-Ups38-12
4. Diamond Push-Ups38-12
5. Tricep Dips (On a bench/chair)310-15
6. Plank to Push-Up310-12

Pull Day (Back, Biceps)

1. Pull-Ups (or Assisted Pull-Ups)46-8
2. Inverted Rows (Under a table or bar)38-12
3. Superman Pull310-12
4. Chin-Ups36-10
5. Bodyweight Bicep Curl (using a towel or underhand grip on a bar)38-12
6. Plank Row (Renegade Row without weights)38-10

Leg Day (Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves)

1. Bodyweight Squats412-15
2. Bulgarian Split Squats38-12
3. Walking Lunges312-15
4. Glute Bridges312-15
5. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift (Bodyweight)310-12
6. Calf Raises (on a step)415-20

Design Your 3-Day Push Pull Leg Workout Routines

You can create and customize your own personal workout routines based on your specific requirements, preferences, and schedule. Before creating a pla, keep the following information in mind.

1. Determine Weekly Sets Based on Your Fitness Level

The number of sets and reps you aim for will depend on your fitness journey. Here’s a great starting point for your machine back workouts:

Recent research suggests that 12–20 weekly sets per muscle group may optimize muscle growth.

  • Beginners: ~10 sets per week.
  • Intermediate: ~15 sets per week.
  • Advanced: ~20 sets per week.

If you notice that your progress stalls, consider adding sets to increase volume, which can help kickstart renewed progress.

2. Define Your Workout Goals

The number of reps and sets for your machine back workout will vary depending on your fitness level, weekly workout frequency, and specific goals.

Recommended rep ranges:

  • For muscle hypertrophy (increased muscle size): Aim for 8-12 reps at 70 to 85% of your 1RM.
  • For muscle endurance: Target 15-20+ reps with moderate loads (50 to 70% of your 1RM).
  • For muscle strength: Focus on 4-6 reps at least 85% of your 1RM.

Starting with fewer reps and sets is always a good idea, gradually increasing as your strength improves.

3. Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is essential for continuous muscle gain. Try to lift more weight or do more reps/sets gradually.

Start with a comfortable weight that allows for proper form, then increase the load by 2-5% every 1-2 weeks to ensure progression without risking injury.

Tips for Progressive Overload:

  • Add small amounts of weight each week.
  • Increase reps once you hit the upper end of your rep range (e.g., go from 8 to 12).
  • Add an extra set when you feel you can handle more volume.

4. Rest Periods

  • For strength-focused exercises (lower reps, heavier weights), rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
  • For hypertrophy-focused exercises (moderate reps, moderate weights), rest 1-2 minutes.
  • For endurance or isolation exercises, rest 30-60 seconds to keep the intensity high and stimulate growth.

5. Frequency

For beginners, training each muscle group once a week may be sufficient. However, consider training each muscle group twice a week for optimal hypertrophy and muscle growth. This can be achieved by following a 6-day PPL split (e.g., Push/Pull/Legs, rest day, Push/Pull/Legs).

6. Customization Tips

If you want to prioritise specific weaknesses or muscle groups, adjust the workout plan by adding extra sets or isolation exercises for those areas (e.g., adding more shoulder work if deltoid development is lagging).

Ensure proper rest and recovery with rest days or light cardio to avoid overtraining. Listen to your body and adjust the volume accordingly if you feel too fatigued.


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  • Manish

    Manish is a NASM-certified fitness and nutrition coach with over 10 years of experience in weight lifting and fat loss fitness coaching. He specializes in gym-based training and has a lot of knowledge about exercise, lifting technique, biomechanics, and more. Through “Fit Life Regime,” he generously shares the insights he’s gained over a decade in the field. His goal is to equip others with the knowledge to start their own fitness journey.

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